I have done it. Faced the fear. I have gone to the electronic scales at Boots and got my starting point. Here goes (Deep Breath) 10st 1llb. Although I have to say I was wearing shoes and clothes. I don't think Boots is ready for a naked weigh in and it is very cold. Maybe I can adjust a few stone for my clothes or maybe I should just be honest.
Next week if I can loose just 1.5lb that will take me to under 10. Lots of hard work this year. I can't believe its the start of a new year tomorrow. Big year for me got my trip to NYC Matts 40th and mine and also Isle of Wright festival and the cruise. That should all be motivation enough.
I made a good start and went on the Xbox this morning. Unfortunately as I go about my daily work I am slowly ceasing up. Still it must be doing me good right?
Have a Happy New Year.